Orange Pi 4B Armbian Configuration

September 12, 2020 - 3 min read [557 words]

Just a list of things that I must do after a fresh install of Armbian on my OrangePi4B+.


Cups is installed by default on Armbian, but we must enable remote access to admin and also enable the sharing of printers. In case of a HP printer it is advised to install hplip as well.

sudo cupsctl --remote-admin --remote-any --share-printers
sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin $USER
sudo apt-get install hplip

In your desktop/laptop you must enable the following service so the printers recognized by your OrangePi are discovered automatically.

sudo systemctl status cups-browsed.service


Before we proceed with this antibody must be installed either via the script. Or by using dpkg with .deb release in their Github releases page.


sudo apt-get install zsh

Change shell for user

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Post Install

  • Copy over your config file to ~/.zshrc.
  • Then we need to copy over the ~/.zsh_plugins.txt file with the antobody plugins

Once the above commands are run we execute the following

antibody bundle < .zsh_plugins.txt >


We need to run sudo blkid to get the UUID of all the devices. We can then use this UUID in /ets/fstab

UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx       /mnt/Documents  ext4 defaults 0 1

Replace x's with a valid UUID from blkid command.

NFS Configuration

We must first install the kernel server with the following command.

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Then in /etc/exports we can give read/write access to the NFS drive depending on the IP like so

/mnt/Documents <write-ip>(rw,all_squash,insecure,async,no_subtree_check,anonuid=0,anongid=0) *(ro,all_squash,insecure,async,no_subtree_check,anonuid=0,anongid=0)

Replace <write-ip> with a valid IP address.

Then run the following to restart the daemon

sudo systemctl restart nfs-server.service

Samba Configuration

Install samba via armbian-config TUI.

After installation in /etc/samba/smb.conf add the following code to expose a directory.

  comment = Orange Pi FileSystem
  path = /mnt/Documents
  read only = yes
  guest ok = yes

And modify the hosts allow command in the same config file under [global]

hosts allow = 192.168.0. <another-ip-1> <another-ip-2> localhost

Replace <another-ip-i>'s with valid IP addresses.

Then run the following command to restart the service

sudo systemctl restart smbd.service


Before we proceed with the installation Rust must be installed.


sudo apt-get install pkg-config
cargo install starship

Before installing ensure that max frequency of CPU is reduced and governer changed to conservative using armbian-config TUI to stop it from overheating.

After that edit your config in ~/.config/starship.toml



curl -s | sudo bash


sudo zerotier-cli join <network-id-here>

Replace <network-id-here> with the actual network ID.

Enabling Daemon

sudo systemctl enable zerotier-one
sudo systemctl start zerotier-one


sudo snap install rossa --devmode --edge

Rossa is a SimpleHTTPServer made by myself in Rust.

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